Sperm Face Masks- Have You Heard About It?
Beauty Care is indeed one of the most discussed topics around the globe and the one thing that always remains prominent in the mindset of women. Some try centuries old traditions and methods to keep intact their younger looking skins whereas there are also some other in their midst who would go to very bizarre and unorthodox lengths to keep impending age at bay. Some of these bizarre methods include putting on face masks made of sperms, yes you read that right! Some women including professional makeup artists claim that those women who use sperm masks made from their partner’s fluids have clearer skin, no blackheads and reduced chances of oily skin.
What the Professionals Have To Say!
Although this is news to many of us that ladies out there are using sperms as mere instruments to revitalize their skins. This claim is backed up by one of the most renowned skin care specialist Chelsee Lewis, apparently she has worked with Gwyneth Paltrow and Stella McCartney. Now we don’t know this for sure that these two famous celebrities have been using this method for their younger and magical skins but there could be a chance. According to an interview which was conducted online, Chelsee said, (Quoted), it’s one of the best ways to boost oxygen and improve circulation to the skin, which will give you an immediate glow.
What she had more to say was about the advantages of sexual intercourse, as we all know that sexual intercourse is a natural need and it helps with stress and other issues. With it hormones are balanced, this also encourages collagen production in the human body. Although if you want more advantages out of this activity then you can use your partner’s sperms to create a beauty face mask which will surely revitalize your skin and give an immediate glow.
The compound which would be used for this mask is called spermine which is very high in nutrients. It is an anti-oxidant of sorts which will help you to eliminate wrinkles, blackheads and help maintain a healthy looking skin indefinitely.
For some this might be a really good idea, as they can go to any length to maintain their beauty although for those who think that this is too much then Chelsee has other tips for beauty maintenance. Do give them a thorough read!
Chelsee’s Alternative Tips and Tricks!
Now, the idea of a sperm mask on your face was truly bizarre, some might even vomit. Well to be on the safe side, the specialist Chelsee has other tips to help keep our beauty intact.
First of these tips is to apply coconut oil on your face before brushing your teeth, this should be done for exactly 15-20 minutes. After the procedure you will feel some aching on your lower face, what this will do is tighten up your face and remove the impurities immediately. Although keep in mind though, this regime has to be done on a regular basis only then you can feel the results as you will get a good healthy and tighter skin.
The second tip is to fill your bathroom sink with ice cubes and chilled water and massage your face with it. Keep in mind though, this has to be done before applying makeup. Be consistent with this tip and you will feel the results soon enough, your skin would be tighter and ready for cosmetics. She even says that icy cold water should be used for baths as it wakes up the skin and eliminates wrinkles.
Healthcare is indeed important, if one doesn’t focuses on themselves they cannot focus on others. Although if it means going to bizarre lengths to maintain your beauty, it would be commendable and advisable to some. For those individuals who prefer normal techniques, Chelsee has methods and tips for everyone!