Skin Care For The Sensitive Skin- How To Do It At Your Own
Sensitive skin is really fragile to deal with, any allergic reaction or skin problem instantly pops up on such skin type. But how can you figure out if your skin is a sensitive one? Some of the prominent indications are; appearance of red blotches on skin immediately after using a new cosmetic product, most cosmetics feels itchy and uncomfortable to wear all day, after every face wash making it drier and feels tighter. Other than these if you have a flaky dry skin in combination to premature appearance of fine lines and wrinkles then this should be a red flag for you! You must start taking care of your sensitive skin type at an early age.
How To Make A Sensitive Skin Care Regime On Your Own?
No one knows your skin better than you do, so instead of getting it experimented on at salons; make your own DIY scrubs and masks which are mild enough for your skin type. No matter what the skin type is, cleansing, toning, moisturizing and exfoliating the skin is a must for a healthier glowing skin. However, choosing the right moisturizers and cleansers for your sensitive skin type can be pretty challenging so you must know the ingredients suitable for sensitive skin.
For sensitive skin, mild cleansers are highly recommended. Avoid cleansers which contain Retin-A, Benzoyl peroxide and Salicylic acid as these are harsh on sensitive skin. Avoid washing your skin with very hot or very cold water as this strips the moisture making your skin seem dull.
You must exfoliate your skin using scrubs and massaging techniques to get rid of impurities. These include environment pollutants such as smoke and dust which settle on the skin and penetrate in resulting in breakouts and pimples. To keep the impurities away from your skin specifically your face, you need to massage your skin and include it in your skin regime. Massaging not only removes impurities, but also improves the blood circulation to the face, enhancing complexion, and prevents fine lines and wrinkles which are actually major sensitive skin problems.
VIJUVE Anti Aging Face Massager for Wrinkles Appearance Removal and Facial Skin Tightening is the solution to all these problems as this device is the ultimate solution. Not only is it quick and easy to use but it works so effectively that you see results sooner than you can expect!
Moisturizers and Serums
Sensitive skin is both allergy prone and acne prone so moisturizers need to be non-greasy and light on the skin. Skin serums which contain Vitamin E, A and C are recommended for sensitive skin. A deficiency of Vitamin A often results in dryness and flaky skin which is common in sensitive skin types, other than this sensitive skin is prone to dullness which can be prevented by Vitamin C intake and application on skin. Similarly, Vitamin E helps repair damaged skin either due to skin burns, tans or even rashes.
VIJUVE 45% Vitamin C Serum has all the Vitamin C, E and the right Hyaluronic acid content your skin needs to look radiant and glowing. Hyaluronic acid is known to treat sensitive to dry skin as it prevents wrinkles, speeds up skin repair and is great for anti-aging. It is also good for acne prone skin as it prevents acne from spreading and leaving marks and reduces it to a great extend. VIJUVE 45% Vitamin C Serums also have the perfect pH balance in accordance to sensitive skin. This helps keep the skin radiant and hydrated which is visible after use!